Tuesday 17 November 2015

Punggol Waterway

Shi Huan and I finally had our first outing yesterday! We decided to visit Punggol Waterway to cycle and take photos since she hasn't gone there before.

We wanted to take a photo with the Waterway @ Punggol sign but there was nowhere to place our cameras!! So we decided to take with the back of the sign HAHA.
It was quite hard taking timer photos on the pavement cause a bicycle could run us over any time!!!

It started raining after we crossed the bridge so we ran to find shelter.

After the rain stopped (It lasted for quite a while), we rented 2 bikes so that it would be much easier to explore Punggol. The entire Punggol area is very big so it is highly recommended that you cycle instead of walk! The bike rental is $8 for 2 hours (student rate) which is quite reasonable.

Noobhuan in her natural state preparing for our mandatory timer shot on the bridge

My fav photo of the day !!

We really wanted to visit the lone tree, but we couldn't find our way there no matter how hard we tried so we gave up. :( So we ended up taking photos of this very pretty tree (Huan thought it was the lone tree).

Halfway through our journey, it started raining again!! >:( This time we hid in a multi-storey structure that had quite a good view of the scenery in Punggol.

 We returned our bikes before going for a very late lunch! We wanted to try the food at Lola's Cafe but when we arrived at Kovan MRT, we realised that it was closed on Mondays sigh. In the end, we gave Ice Edge Cafe a try since it was also located at Kovan. It is quite well-known for its waffles and brownies but we didn't try their desserts because we were going for Llaollao hehe.

Huan ordered carbonara and I ordered beef lasagne

The food was good so I think we'll be back to try their waffles and brownies next time!

Ice Edge Cafe
2 Kovan Road
Singapore 548008
Tel: 6856 5729
Nearest MRT Station: Kovan
Opening Hours: 12 pm to 12 am daily

Thanks noobie Huan for the super fun and memorable day! Both of us have no sense of direction but still it was a great experience with you nonetheless! Love you!!

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