Thursday 5 November 2015

USS Adventures

Visited USS with 5 noobs yesterday! I'm not a very huge fan of amusement parks (except for Disneyland) so I rarely visit USS (yesterday was my third time). I was deciding between the one-day pass ($74) and the 6 months season pass ($88) but I decided to go for the latter! You get to go for as many times as you want in 6 months for an additional $14 so why not right!! This sounds like an advert but it's not HAHA.

Going to USS on a weekday morning does have its perks!! We didn't have to queue for any ride (yes, not even the Transformers) all the way until 12 pm when people started coming in. Even after 12 pm, the waiting time for most rides were less than 15 minutes woots! We spent most of the time chasing after characters and not taking rides LOL.

Alexa and Ariel went to take the Battlestar Galactica (Cylon) ride that the rest of us didn't dare to take so we decided to go and take nice photos woo!

HHAHA noob Lee Xin Yi who didn't dare to climb

Family Photo!!

Here's a secret – I've never really dared to take the Mummy ride HAHA I took it once but I have no idea why I'm still very scared of it?? BUT ok this time I took it twice in a row and I think I have successfully overcome my fear!!

Waiting for our turn on the Canopy Flyer!! All-time longest queue

Gross juniors

We continued our journey to somewhere Far, Far, Away after going on all the rides in Jurassic Park. 

Yets' selfie stick YAY

Back to taking rides after lunch (fried chicken)

Minions for a day!!!

Best part of the day? Chasing characters down the streets of USS!

Resting like old ahmas because TIRED

Our favourite ride!!!!

Ft. funny staff who insisted that we take a photo of him (and with him)...

Had a super enjoyable day with all of you! Thanks for being great company and letting me grab your hands and scream in your ear hehe. I never expected USS to be this fun honestly but thanks to y'all I love USS now! We have to come back in December okay (excited!!).

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