Wednesday 2 December 2015

Gardens by the Bay

2 days ago, I visited Gardens by the Bay with 3 noobs - Shan Min, Shi Huan and Hui Kit! The Christmas display was already up so it was quite a good time to go.

Some timer shots taken near the entrance with Huan's camera!!

We also went to the Chinese Garden to take some nice kungfu shots but it started raining halfway sighs.

Solo shots!

Photos taken with Huan's new wide-angle lens

Since it was raining, we couldn't take any more photos outdoors. :( So, we decided to enter the Flower Dome for $12! Also, it is EXTREMELY cold in the dome so please bring along a jacket or something if you are planning to visit !!

Wew Queenhuan

Love the bokeh captured by my camera!!

More timer shots because we are narcissistic HAHA
(Also taken with Huan's lens)
This photo has the Christmas feelz haha I like it a lot

After spending a rather long period of time in the flower dome (We only explored the first level), we made our way to Satay by the Bay for dinner! The food served there is really good hehe I would 10/10 recommend the satay. It was still early after we finished dinner so we visited the flower dome again (Level 2 this time) while waiting for the Christmas display to light up! It lights up at around 7 pm.

Taken by Shants :)

Taken with flash!! So preetz

The dome is definitely prettier at night

Favourite shot of the day

AGAIN?! Yes haha the last few we took before exiting the dome!

The Christmas display was quite nice and colourful but it somehow reminded me of Deepavali rather than Christmas LOL.

This part was very very beautiful! A magic show was going on in the pavillion.

We also entered the skating rink but no we didn't skate! It was bustling with children and parents although it was late at night already.

Thanks to all 3 noobs for a super fun and happy day spent at GBTB! I learnt how to use my camera better HAHA. Overall, GBTB is a great place to go if you want to experience Christmas feelz because the whole place is so christmasy! It is also ideal if you enjoy taking photos because the flower dome is very pretty. Have a great holiday everyone!!

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