Tuesday 19 August 2014

Funfair' 14

Last Saturday, NYGH held a funfair which was open to the public for the first time!! Lots of people turned up and sales were really good. :)

My class sold temporary tattoos from Dottinghill and files with hand-drawn designs. A huge thank-you to Dottinghill for sponsoring us and providing us with beautiful tattoos ♡

Before funfair actually started many tenners already started buying tattoos HAHA.
(Photo creds to Tans & many other people :*)
Hey Wendy I'll be your peter pan no matter how much you hate it!!

With the Xuanzzz jiayou for concert! Really excited ;-)

Fav seow kai
Thanks for entertaining me throughout the whole shift charmzzz!! ♥

With my fav Ally
Bumped into Karys who is coincidentally in Alexa's clique ö 
Singapore is really small HAHA

Please bear with my flared nostrils

THANK YOU 210 for making this a very enjoyable and memorable funfair!

I'm sure all of you agree that we worked much harder for this year's funfair as compared to last year. And in the end we really got what we deserved!! :) I love you guys so much and will definitely miss you all when we go to different classes next year :'( Let's treasure our last few months as a class and make the most out of it!! ☼

This year, NYAV had a booth as well. Although we weren't expecting a lot of customers, we still exceeded our target! :] We ran a photo studio using professional lights, backdrops and cute props.

Clay had lots of coupons left so we got to do a photoshoot :D (Tans was doing duty)
Photo cr to Yueyu!
With Hoi Han who is acting cool

Lana Del Rey-inspired HAHA

We are your superhero(ines)!!!

Why am I a grandma cries

Family photo with da seniors!! 

Here's some pre-photoshoot photos ;-)

This is probably the best photo I have with this gross poop

Accurately describes our friendship x')

Anddd this concludes my funfair post! Thanks for reading and do check this space for more updates ☺

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