Monday 11 August 2014

Number 14

Hello!! I have officially turned 14 x) On Friday, I celebrated my 14th birthday with Xin Yi and Shanty since most of the apeys and sexay couldn't come :( But we still had a whole lot of fun swimming and talking nonsense!! We even made a vlog which will I will be posting very soon ;)

Now for the photos (credits to shanty and my mum)

Before celebrating, we went to swim! (and ended up filming a vlog)

We usually celebrate blessie ho's birthday with mine since she's also born in August :D 

HAPPY BARKDAY MY BBY!!! We got her cake from The Barkery, so do visit them if you want to get a treat for your furry friend!

Next, let me introduce my new boyfriend HAHAHA. Just kidding, my parents got him from Balloon Dreams!
Woots candid for once

With Xinyi's fam bam

Shants and family :))

With mum & dad :D

Ah mah and ah gong :***

I love my fam <3

Lastly, the two noobs that I love and appreciate so so much x Without both of you, school will really be a bore for me :'))) 

cause the poop in a red shirt didn't want to "kiss" me??

wah candid candid candid

Thankful for everyone that celebrated my birthday with me and wished me happy birthday :-) 

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