Friday 21 November 2014

Sentosa with 210

We had our class outing on Tuesday at Sentosa and it was undoubtedly fun! Less than half the class turned up but we still had a whale of a time and I whale-ly (really) enjoyed myself (LAME). 210 should have a full class outing the next time :}

Skies were clear and surpringly it didn't rain

We headed to Siloso Beach and spent our entire morning there ☼
Wendy doesn't believe that she is photogenic

Kawaii Julia

Tenners living dangerously

Celine who insisted on taking photos like this

Photobomb level: Expert

Next, we headed to a bridge to get a better view of the seas and to take more photos :)

Alison trying to save her life

Passed by beautiful daisies

We had a great lunch at macs (again) before walking to Palawan Beach. We had lots of fun at the kiddy pool and spent a whole lot of time there!! We were supposed to watch some bird show but we messed up the timing and missed it (*-_-)

Tons of dead jellyfish were on the sand and it was quite fascinating cause they looked like ice cubes hehe

We took very nice photos on this pretty bridge
Thanks for this photo shants!!!

Lastly, we decided to take the SkyLuge :> It was a fun and refreshing experience for me since it was my first time heh

Thanks soooo much Celeste for organising this successful (quite) class outing for us :D I enjoyed every bit of it and will definitely not forget you wonderful bunch of people 

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