Friday 18 April 2014

BSE Outings // Chek Jawa (12/4/14) & Little India (17/4/14)

Hello! Really sorry for the recent lack of posts, I'm staying in boarding school currently and I don't have my laptop with me so yup. BSE (boarding school experience) will be ending this coming friday, so I will start posting more! :-)

Last saturday, we had a BSE outing to Pulau Ubin (Chek Jawa) and we did stuff like kayaking and trekking. It rained that day, so we had to kayak in the rain but thankfully it stopped when we started trekking. :) Here are some photos ~

We took a ferry from changi to pulau ubin!
I love the patterns of the waves hehe

The group 9 tenners 

Once we reached chek jawa we saw cute wild boars HAHA (one kept snorting)

While trekking we passed by really nice places with great scenery

AH this is the place with the nicest scenery!! the water was really blue and pretty but my phone couldn't capture the colours, so it took me a bit of editing ;-)
A paranoiac view

we stopped by this bridge to have lunch and decided to take some nice photos heh

with the wen(retar)dy x)

hahaha failed jumpshot (look at derpy wendy)

failed jumpshot #2 (derpy xuan xuan AHAHA)

with the nooby shants

Thanks to group 9 for making this trip fun and enjoyable :-)

Just yesterday, we had another outing and we visited Little India! We had to walk around and find a suitable place to eat (we had a budget), then we had to get back to boarding school using public transport. 
here's derpy us before eating ehehe

We ended up ordering 9 naans yay. We didn't get to try other kinds of food but the naans were really good (esp the garlic ones)!! 

So yeap this concludes the 2 BSE outings I had in this 2 weeks! I sure had lots of fun but boohoo boarding school is ending this coming saturday which is really soonnn. Hope we can make more memories this week! 

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