Sunday, 6 July 2014

Tutorial: How to Add Social Media Icons to a Blog

Hey guys! :) As you can see, i added 3 new social media icons to my blog (They're located under the section "About Me").  So here's a tutorial on how you can add these useful icons to your own blog.

1. Find a set of social media icons that you like and download them. There are many websites that offer free social media icons for download, here are some of them: 

2. Set up a Flickr/Photobucket account (or any other photo-hosting website) and upload the images of the icons that you wish to use. 

3. After uploading the desired images, look for a list of links to share them (usually beside the uploaded image). It will look something like this. Now, leave this screen open.

4. Open a new tab and go into your blogger dashboard. Select "Layout" from the left of your dashboard. 

5. Click on "Add a Gadget, then choose "HTML/JavaScript".

6. Copy the code below and paste it in the box labelled "Content".

7. Go back to the screen with the links of the images you uploaded. Click on the "Direct" link (It should be copied automatically). 

8. Return to the "HTML/JavaScript" window. In the code, replace "Image Direct Link Goes Here" with the direct link that you have just copied. Replace "URL Goes Here" with the URL of your blog.

9. Save your gadget and you're done!

I hope this tutorial worked for you as much as it did for me!! If you have any problems, do leave a comment on this post and I will try to reply as soon as possible :] Thanks for reading!